投稿时间:2023-02-12  修订日期:2023-03-26
中文关键词: 地衣芽孢杆菌  无定形碳酸钙  生物成矿  机制
英文关键词: Bacillus licheniformis  amorphous calcium carbonate  biomineralization  mechanism
龙超 井冈山大学生命科学学院, 江西, 吉安 343009
江西理工大学土木与测绘工程学院, 江西, 赣州 341000 
周舒月 井冈山大学生命科学学院, 江西, 吉安 343009 
付海云 井冈山大学生命科学学院, 江西, 吉安 343009 
柳艳 井冈山大学生命科学学院, 江西, 吉安 343009 
鄢晓坤 井冈山大学生命科学学院, 江西, 吉安 343009 
尹丽 井冈山大学生命科学学院, 江西, 吉安 343009
江西省红壤丘陵区农业环境污染防控重点实验室, 江西, 吉安 343009 
刘仁绿 井冈山大学生命科学学院, 江西, 吉安 343009
江西省红壤丘陵区农业环境污染防控重点实验室, 江西, 吉安 343009 
贺根和 井冈山大学生命科学学院, 江西, 吉安 343009
江西省红壤丘陵区农业环境污染防控重点实验室, 江西, 吉安 343009 
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      以地衣芽孢杆菌为研究菌株,将菌株接种于含Ca2+的LB培养基中培养0~ 10 d,通过分析培养液OD600 nm、pH值、Ca2+的动态变化,同时借助SEM-EDS、TEM-SAED、XRD等手段分析所得沉淀物的形貌及结构特征,以期解析该菌对无定形碳酸钙的微生物诱导矿化机制。结果表明,地衣芽孢杆菌的快速生长能显著提升培养液的pH值,相比起始pH值提高了1.63个单位(P < 0.05),Ca2+浓度随培养时间的增加有显著下降的趋势,Ca2+浓度最大减少了516.48 mg/L(P < 0.01);SEM可观察到培养液中的沉淀物中有许多无规则的微纳米级矿物,EDS结果表明其主要元素为C、O、Ca,可见地衣芽孢杆菌可诱导碳酸钙的形成。TEM-SAED及XRD的结果证实这些生物源碳酸钙为无定形碳酸钙。研究还发现通过添加碳酸酐酶抑制剂能显著减弱该菌对碳酸钙的诱导矿化能力,这些生物源碳酸钙的形成与该菌分泌的碳酸酐酶活性密切相关,并且菌体细胞还可以作为碳酸钙的成核位点。碳酸钙沉淀无机碳同位素δ13C值是-5.762 ±0.022‰,δ13C值为负值,也进一步证实了这些无定形碳酸钙沉淀为生物成因。该研究结果有助于加深对生物源无定形碳酸钙的了解,进一步阐明了微纳米无定形碳酸钙的微生物诱导矿化机制,可为生物源无定形碳酸钙的进一步开发应用提供重要参考。
      In this paper, Bacillus licheniformis was used as the research strain. The strain was inoculated in LB medium (containing Ca2+) culture for 0 to 10 days. The dynamic changes of OD600nm, pH value and Ca2+ concentration in the culture medium were analyzed. At the same time, the morphology and structural characteristics of the precipitate were analyzed by SEM-EDS, TEM-SAED and XRD, etc., in order to clarify the mechanism of amorphous calcium carbonate mineralization induced by microbe. The results showed that the rapid growth of B. licheniformis could significantly increase the pH value of the culture medium, which was 1.63 units higher than the initial pH value (P < 0.05). The concentrations of Ca2+ decreased significantly with the increase of culture time, and the maximum concentration of Ca2+ decreased by 516.48 mg/L (P < 0.01); There are many irregular micro-nano minerals in the sediment of the culture solution by SEM, EDS results show that the main elements are C, O, Ca, which shows that B. licheniformis can induce the formation of calcium carbonate. The results of TEM-SAED and XRD show that the biogenic calcium carbonate is amorphous calcium carbonate. In addition, it is found that the addition of carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitor can significantly reduce the ability of the bacteria to induce the mineralization of calcium carbonate, indicating that the formation of these biogenic calcium carbonate is closely related to the CA activity secreted by the bacteria, and the bacterial cell can also be used as a nucleation site. Inorganic carbon isotope δ13C value of calcium carbonate is -5.762 ±0.022‰, which further confirms that the amorphous calcium carbonate precipitates are biogenic. The research results in this paper have greatly enriched our insights of biogenic amorphous calcium carbonate, further clarified the mechanism of microbial induced mineralization of micro-nano amorphous calcium carbonate, and provided theoretical basis for the further development and application of biogenic amorphous calcium carbonate.
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