王巧玉,周超群,王建彬,姚金结,潘飞,胡家乐.塑料后尾门的拓扑优化及其轻量化研究[J].井冈山大学自然版,2023,44(3):83-90 |
塑料后尾门的拓扑优化及其轻量化研究 |
投稿时间:2022-07-18 修订日期:2022-12-16 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8085.2023.03.013 |
中文关键词: 塑料后尾门 拓扑优化 轻量化 集成化 |
英文关键词: plastic rear tailgate topology optimization lightweight integration |
基金项目:安徽省发改委新能源汽车专项(皖发改产业函[2019]534号) |
作者 | 单位 | E-mail | 王巧玉 | 安徽工程大学机械工程学院, 安徽, 芜湖 241000 | | 周超群 | 芜湖恒信汽车内饰制造有限公司, 安徽, 芜湖 241009 | | 王建彬 | 安徽工程大学机械工程学院, 安徽, 芜湖 241000 | wjb@ahpu.edu.cn | 姚金结 | 安徽工程大学机械工程学院, 安徽, 芜湖 241000 | | 潘飞 | 安徽工程大学机械工程学院, 安徽, 芜湖 241000 | | 胡家乐 | 安徽工程大学机械工程学院, 安徽, 芜湖 241000 | |
摘要点击次数: 783 |
全文下载次数: 639 |
中文摘要: |
针对某款集成塑料SUV汽车后尾门部件,建立不同工况下约束和设计目标的一体化模型,以最小质量为优化目标和不同区域厚度为优化变量进行轻量化拓扑优化分析。并对轻量化后的集成塑料后尾门进行刚度和强度的力学性能验证。结果表明:拓扑优化经过8次迭代后,其质量可从1.077×10-2MIN降为8.830×10-3MIN,实现减重20%的轻量化目标。试验结果发现轻量化后的样品刚度和强度等力学性能指标,能满足塑料后尾门力学性能要求。拓扑优化分析为集成塑料后尾门的轻量化设计提供了有效参考。 |
英文摘要: |
For an SUV integrated plastic rear tailgate component, an integrated model of constraints and design objectives under different working conditions was established, and the lightweight topology optimization analysis was carried out with the minimum mass as the optimization objective and the thickness of different regions as the optimization variables. The stiffness and strength of the lightweight integrated plastic rear tailgate were verified. The results showed that after 8 iterations of topology optimization, the mass of the integrated plastic rear tailgate could be reduced from 1.077×10-2MIN to 8.830×10-3MIN, achieving the target of 20% weight reduction. The mechanical performance indicators such as stiffness and strength of the lightweight samples met the mechanical performance targets of the plastic rear tailgate. The topology optimization analysis provided an effective reference for the lightweight design of the integrated plastic rear tailgate. |
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