An Empirical Study on the Psychological Motivation of university Students' Weibo Public Participation in the Age of Smart Media——Taking Participation in Cultural and Entertainment Issues as an Example
投稿时间:2022-05-17  修订日期:2022-06-16
中文关键词: 智媒体时代  公共参与  心理动力  微博  文娱类议题
英文关键词: the age of smart media  public participation  psychological motivation  Weibo  cultural and entertainment topics
徐婷 上海健康医学院临床医学院, 上海 201318 
顾斐雯 上海健康医学院团委, 上海 201318 
摘要点击次数: 823
全文下载次数: 938
      Weibo public participation has currently become a hot topic in our country's democracy construction. Most of the existing psycho-dynamic studies involving college students' Weibo public participation are based on empirical summaries, or theoretical analysis and derivation, lack of quantitative research. Taking participation in cultural and entertainment issues as an example, this paper empirically studies the psychological motivation of college students' Weibo public participation in the era of smart media. Using the five dimensions including individual cognition, efficacy awareness, benefit-driven, cognitive stereotypes and individual needs, a questionnaire of "University Students' Participation in Cultural and Entertainment Weibo" was compiled to investigate the psychological motivation of college students' public participation in Weibo. The results of the survey found that the psychological motivation of college students' Weibo public participation is insufficient, especially in terms of individual cognition and efficacy awareness; Weibo likes are the basis and precondition for college students to actively participate in Weibo; college students of different gender show significant differences in their psychological motivation. Finally, in response to the conclusions of the survey, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward in order to improve the level of public participation in Weibo of college students.
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