投稿时间:2021-12-18  修订日期:2022-04-21
中文关键词: 兼项  项群内稳态  径赛  优秀运动员
英文关键词: concurrent events  sport-specific homeostasis  track events  elite athlete
伍人乐 井冈山大学体育学院, 江西, 吉安 343009
祥明大学一般大学院, 韩国, 首尔 03016 
杜和平 井冈山大学体育学院, 江西, 吉安 343009 
摘要点击次数: 810
全文下载次数: 890
      在研究世界优秀径赛运动员兼项的发展变化趋势及对兼项运动员在同一比赛中成绩与名次是否具有相关性来探讨项群内稳态。以第21-31届奥运会和第1-17届锦标赛径赛运动员兼项同时取得前8名来统计兼项人次,运用数学模拟及相应统计方法进行了径赛兼项的变化趋势分析。结果表明:在兼项人次上,女运动员显著高于男运动员;世界格局显示,前三名美国、牙买加、英国的兼项人次高于其它国家;运动员平均兼项人次方面,第一集团美国(1.61 ±0.45)与牙买加为首的第二集团(0.96 ±0.26)和埃塞俄比亚为首的第三集团(0.31 ±0.17)显著高于其它国家(0.07 ±0.03)(P<0.05);且速度性项群显著高于耐力性项群(P<0.01);100 m与200 m(115,53.24%)和5000 m与10000 m(49,22.68%)占总兼项人次的75.92%;在平均兼项人次上,100 m与200 m(4.42±1.60)显著高于其它8个项目(P<0.01)。获冠军运动员兼项人次显著高于任何其他运动员(P<0.01)。从兼项名次及成绩相关上,大部分兼项项目具有非常显著差异(P <0.01);除1500 m与3000 m(女)相关系数无统计学意义;在名次相关上400 m与800 m,1500 m与5000 m也无统计学意义。径赛兼项上女运动员优于男运动员;兼项制胜已成为径赛的重要发展趋势,并且在距离结构呈现相邻性原则。100 m与200 m和5000 m与10000 m成为径赛兼项主流,且呈现上升趋势,出现两极化即速度性、耐力性现象。高水平运动员兼项能力比低水平运动员更强。径赛兼项成绩与名次具有强相关性,表明项群内稳态存在。项目供能方式、项群内稳态(SSH)差异和恢复时间可能是影响兼项制胜三个关键因素,提出恢复时间是项群分类的一个重要指标。
      The international trend for one athlete to win in several track events and the discussion about the sport-specific homeostasis (SSH) based on the correlation between the results and the places were studied in this paper. The concurrent events of the first eight excellent athletes were calculated in terms of the number of concurrent people from the 23rd-31st Olympic games and the 1st-17th world championships, and the change trend of track and field events was analyzed by mathematical simulation and corresponding statistical method. The results show that the number of female athletes in concurrent events is significantly higher than that of male athletes. the world pattern shows that the top three countries as the United States, Jamaica, and the United Kingdom have higher number of concurrent events than other countries; in terms of average number of athletes, the United States headed the first group (1.61 ±0.45), Jamaica headed the second group (0.96 ±0.26) and Ethiopia headed the third group (0.31 ±0.17) are significantly higher than other countries (0.07 ±0.03) (P < 0.05); and the speed category is significantly higher than the endurance category (P < 0.01); 100 and 200 meters (115,53.24%), and 5000 and 10,000 meters (49,22.68%) account for 75.92% of the total number of concurrent events; on the average number of concurrent events, 100 and 200 meters (4.42 ±1.60) was significantly higher than the other 8 items (P < 0.01). In terms of the ranking and performance correlation of the concurrent events, most of the concurrent events have highly significant differences (P < 0.01); except for the correlation coefficient of 1500 and 3000 meters (female), there is no statistical significance; in terms of ranking correlation, 400 and 800 meters, 1500 and 5000 meters are also not statistically significant. Female athletes are superior to male ones in track events. Winning events in track events has become an important development trend in track events, and the distance structure presents the principle of proximity. 100 and 200m, and 5000 and 10000m are the main concurrent events in track event and they show an upward trend, and there is a phenomenon of polarization, namely speed and endurance. High-level athletes have better concurrent events than low-level athletes. There is a strong correlation between the results and rankings of the track events, which indicates the exist of SSH. The three key factors that will affect to win medals might be the ways of energy supply, the difference in SSH and the recovery time, and it puts forward that the recovery time is an important point of event-group classification.
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