罗辉,刘姣娣,周思忆,俞梦婷,傅贵平,黄小流.饮食结构对青少年肾功能的影响[J].井冈山大学自然版,2022,43(1):93-97 |
饮食结构对青少年肾功能的影响 |
投稿时间:2021-07-23 修订日期:2021-09-28 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8085.2022.01.015 |
中文关键词: 青少年 饮食结构 肾功能 |
英文关键词: teenagers dietary structure renal function |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(81660784);吉安市社会科学研究项目(21GHA100);井冈山大学博士科研启动项目(JZB2112) |
作者 | 单位 | 罗辉 | 井冈山大学医学部, 江西, 吉安 343009 | 刘姣娣 | 井冈山大学医学部, 江西, 吉安 343009 | 周思忆 | 井冈山大学医学部, 江西, 吉安 343009 | 俞梦婷 | 井冈山大学医学部, 江西, 吉安 343009 | 傅贵平 | 井冈山大学医学部, 江西, 吉安 343009 | 黄小流 | 井冈山大学医学部, 江西, 吉安 343009 |
摘要点击次数: 2569 |
全文下载次数: 4450 |
中文摘要: |
目的 探讨青少年饮食结构对肾功能的影响。方法 从2019年在井冈山大学进行了新生入学体检管理的学生中选取有食物频率(FFQ)和膳食回顾法调查资料并符合要求的3316名新生为研究对象,分析饮食结构对肾功能的影响。结果 与膳食宝塔推荐量相比,研究对象的奶及奶制品、新鲜水果日均摄入量相对偏低,畜禽水产品类、蛋类、大豆及坚果类日均摄入量相对偏高。与男生膳食结构相比,女生的膳食结构较合理。多元Logistic回归分析显示,新鲜水果日均摄入量是尿素氮值的保护因素。肾功能减退发生率分别与性别、畜禽水产品类的日均摄入量相关,男生的发生率高于女生(P<0.05)。结论 青少年饮食结构对肾功能会产生影响,其中新鲜水果类和畜禽水产品类日均摄入量是其主要影响因素。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective: To investigate the effects of dietary structure on renal function in teenagers. Methods: 3316 freshmen who had food frequency (FFQ) and dietary review survey data and met the requirements were selected as the research objects from the freshmen who underwent entrance physical examination management in Jinggangshan University in 2019, and the effects of dietary structure on renal function were analyzed. Results: Compared with the recommended dietary pagoda, the average daily intake of milk or dairy products and fresh fruits was relatively low, while the average daily intake of livestock, poultry and aquatic products, eggs, soybeans and nuts was relatively high. Compared with boys' diet structure, the girls' diet structure is more reasonable. The results of multiple Logistic regression analysis showed that the daily intake of fresh fruit was the protective factor of urea nitrogen value. The incidence of renal dysfunction was related to gender and average daily intake of livestock, poultry and aquatic products, and the incidence of renal dysfunction was higher in boys than in girls (P<0.05). Conclusion: The dietary structure of teenagers could have an impact on renal function, in which the daily intake of fresh fruits and livestock, poultry and aquatic products are the main influencing factor. |
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