Preliminary study on the quality of Yao medicinE Pothos chinensis
投稿时间:2020-01-05  修订日期:2020-03-21
中文关键词: 石柑子  性状鉴别  质量分析
英文关键词: Pothos chinensis  trait identification  quality analysis
魏江存 广西国际壮医医院壮瑶药研发中心, 广西 南宁 530201
广西中医药大学科学实验中心, 广西, 南宁 530200 
陈勇 广西中医药大学科学实验中心, 广西, 南宁 530200 
韩倩 广西中医药大学科学实验中心, 广西, 南宁 530200 
张如 广西壮族自治区妇幼保健院药剂科, 广西, 南宁 530003 
邱美雁 广西国际壮医医院壮瑶药研发中心, 广西 南宁 530201 
黄周艳 广西中医药大学科学实验中心, 广西, 南宁 530200 
刘玟君 广西中医药大学科学实验中心, 广西, 南宁 530200 
陈良妮 广西中医药大学科学实验中心, 广西, 南宁 530200 
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      目的 建立石柑子的质量分析方法。方法 根据2015版《中国药典》的实验方法对石柑子药材的水分、总灰分及醇浸出物进行测定。结果 广西13批不同采集时间和不同地域的石柑子药材均具有相同的植物形态和药材性状,实验测定结果为水分为9.54%~11.39%,总灰分为7.21%~9.58%,酸不溶性灰分为0.94%~2.08%,浸出物为7.96%~10.83%。结论 本研究的石柑子鉴别方法,可用于该药材的质量控制分析,该实验研究结果可为建立石柑子药材的质量标准提供科学依据,以便更好的开发利用其药材。
      Objective: To establish a quality analysis method for citrus. Methods: According to the experimental method of the 2015 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the moisture, total ash and alcohol extract of the Pothos chinensis (Raf.) Merr. medicinal materials were determined. Results: The 13 batches of medicinal materials from different collections and different regions of Guangxi had the same plant morphology and medicinal properties. The experimental results showed that the water content was 9.54%~11.39%, the total ash was 7.21%~9.58%, and the acid-insoluble ash was 0.94%~2.08%, the extract is 7.96%~10.83%. Conclusion: The identification method of the P. chinensis in this study can be used in the quality control analysis of the medicinal materials. The results of this experiment can provide a scientific basis for the establishment of the quality standard of P. chinensis medicinal materials and its better development and utilization.
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