Research of Stability for Hot-blast Temperature in HAUNI Loosening and Conditioning Equipment
投稿时间:2020-03-09  修订日期:2020-04-21
中文关键词: 松散回潮  热风温度  PID控制  正交实验法
英文关键词: loosening and conditioning  hot-blast temperature  proportion integral differential(PID)control  orthogonal experiment
朱辰杰 江西中烟井冈山卷烟厂, 江西, 吉安 343009 
刘晟 江西中烟井冈山卷烟厂, 江西, 吉安 343009 
王胜亮 江西中烟井冈山卷烟厂, 江西, 吉安 343009 
胡俐帆 江西中烟井冈山卷烟厂, 江西, 吉安 343009 
刘跃庆 江西中烟井冈山卷烟厂, 江西, 吉安 343009 
摘要点击次数: 1739
全文下载次数: 2707
      To solve the problem that the control ability of HAUNI loosening and conditioning process is low and standard deviation of hot-blast temperature is large,in this paper, we reduce the standard deviation of the hot-blast temperature by two ways:reasonable design of preheating temperature deviation and optimization of the PID of hot-blast system. The results show that the adjustment of preheating temperature deviation has a great effect on the control of the hot-blast temperature, which drops rapidly to about the center value in the early phase of production when the preheating temperature deviation is 6K, and the adjustment of the PID parameters can effectively control the stability of the hot-blast temperature. When the corresponding PID parameters are 3.4, 36 and 12, the standard deviation value of hot-blast temperature between batches is the best state. This finding has an important value to improve the quality of tobacco.
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