李筱蟠,刘有才,李硕.206例重症手足口病的临床分析[J].井冈山大学自然版,2018,(5):91-93 |
206例重症手足口病的临床分析 |
投稿时间:2018-03-07 修订日期:2018-05-06 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8085.2018.05.020 |
中文关键词: 重症 手足口病 EV71 |
英文关键词: severe case hand foot and mouth disease EV71 |
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摘要点击次数: 1671 |
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中文摘要: |
目的 探讨小儿重症手足口病的临床特征和预后,为客观评估病情提供依据。方法 对我医院2015年1月2017年12月共收治206例重症手足口病患儿的临床资料进行回顾分析。结果 本组206病例中,1~3岁138例(67%),EV71感染129例(62.6%)。1~2部位有皮疹114例(55.3%),3个部位及3个以上部位92例(44.7%)。持续高热大于3天136例(66%),精神萎靡、烦躁、易惊、惊跳、抖动、呕吐、面色苍白等症状,3个或3个以上症状128(62.1%);白细胞总数大于15×109/L 85例(41.3%)小于4×109/L21例(10.2%);血糖大于8.3 mmol/L60例(29.1%),CK-MB大于48 mmol/L56例(27.2%),痊愈194例(94.2%),神经系统后遗症10例(4.9%),肺出血死亡2例(0.9%)。结论 重症手足口病中EV71型多见,以1~3岁儿童好发,皮疹典型或不典型,早期有持续高热、精神萎靡、烦躁、易惊、惊跳、抖动、呕吐、面色苍白等症状,部分白细胞、血糖、CK-Mb等明显异常,该病预后较好,少数病情危重死亡。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics and prognosis of severe hand foot and mouth disease in children, and provide basis for objective evaluation.Methods: The clinical data of 206 children with severe hand foot and mouth disease in our hospital from January 2015 to December 2017 were retrospectively analyzed.Results: Among 206 cases, there were 138 cases (67%) of 1-3 years old, 129 cases (62.6%) with EV71 infection; there were 136 cases (66%) having persistent high fever for more than 3 days with the symptoms such as listlessness, dysphoria, startle, jitter, vomiting, etc., and 128 cases (62.1%) had three symptoms or over. There were 85 cases (41.3%) with the total white cell number greater than 15 x 109/L, 21 cases (10.2%) less than 4 x 109/L, 60 cases (29.1%) with the blood glucose greater than 8.3mmol/L, and 56 cases (27.2%) with CK-Mb greater than 48mmol/L.194 cases (94.2%) recovered, 10 cases (4.9%) suffered from neurological sequelae and 2 cases (0.9%) died of pulmonary hemorrhage.Conclusion: EV71 type was the most common in severe hand foot and mouth disease, which was easy infected among 1 to 3 years old children with typical or atypical rashes, there were the symptoms such as persistent high fever, depression, irritability, startle, jitter, vomiting, pale face at early stage, the white blood cells, blood sugar, CK-Mb of some cases were apparently unusual, the disease prognosis was good, and a few died in critical conditions. |
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