程建丽,张鹗,张建强,杨德国.凹尾拟鲿(Pseudobagrus emarginatus)——长江上游中国鲇类一有效种(硬骨鱼纲:鲿科)[J].井冈山大学自然版,2016,(3):99-106 |
凹尾拟鲿(Pseudobagrus emarginatus)——长江上游中国鲇类一有效种(硬骨鱼纲:鲿科) |
Pseudobagrus emarginatus (Regan, 1913), a valid Chinese bagrid species from the upper Yangtze River drainage (Teleostei: Bagridae) |
投稿时间:2016-01-09 修订日期:2016-03-08 |
DOI:10.3969/J.issn.1674-8085.2016.03.020 |
中文关键词: 分类学 拟鲿属 长江上游 重新描述 |
英文关键词: taxonomy Pseudobagrus the upper Yangtze river redescription |
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中文摘要: |
对中国鲿科鱼类系统分类学研究中发现,凹尾拟鲿为一不同于细体拟鲿(P. pratti)的有效种,仅分布于长江上游。凹尾拟鲿胸刺前缘光滑无锯齿,颌须较短,后伸不超过胸鳍起点,本属中同时具有这两个特征的还包括18个有效种。在这18个物种中,乌苏里拟鲿(P. ussuriensis)、长脂拟鲿(P. adiposalis)、短尾拟鲿(P. brevicaudatus)和越南拟鲿(P. kyphus)与凹尾拟鲿一样,具有中等分叉的尾鳍。凹尾拟鲿与乌苏里拟鲿和长脂拟鲿的区别在于游离脊椎骨数目和背刺长短等性状上,与短尾拟鲿和越南拟鲿在背刺后缘程度、枕骨棘与项背骨间的间距上存在差异。凹尾拟鲿与细体拟鲿在形态上最为相似,但在体高、背鳍前长、脂鳍高及尾柄高等性状上存在差别。同时,在颅骨、犁骨、项背骨及腰带等骨骼特征上也存在较大差异。 |
英文摘要: |
Pseudobagrus emarginatus is here regarded as a species distinct from P. pratti, and known only from the upper Yangtze River basin. It can be assigned to the species group comprising 18 species of Pseudobagrus characterized by having a smooth anterior margin of the pectoral-fin spine and short maxillary barbels not extending to the pectoral-fin insertion. It, along with P. ussuriensis, P. adiposalis, P. brevicaudatus, P. kyphus and P. pratti, differs from all congeners of the group in having a moderately forked caudal fin. Pseudobagrus emarginatus differs from P. ussuriensis and P. adiposalis in the number of vertebrae, dorsal-fin spine length, and P. brevicaudatus and P. kyphus in the structure of dorsal spine, and the presence or absence of the interspace between the supraoccipital process and the nuchal plate. It differs from P. pratti, in body depth, predorsal length, adipose-fin depth and caudal-peduncle depth. Both differ in many osteological characters related to the cranium, vomer, nuchal plate and pelvic girdle. |
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