付强,罗丽娜,邓宁,祁凯能,金凌志.无粘结预应力RPC简支梁受弯性能分析[J].井冈山大学自然版,2013,(3):69-75 |
无粘结预应力RPC简支梁受弯性能分析 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 无粘结预应力 活性粉末混凝土 受弯性能 参数分析 |
英文关键词: unbonded prestressed reactive powder concrete nonlinear analysis parametric analysis |
基金项目:广西岩土力学与工程重点实验室资助课题(11-cx-04);广西科技攻关项目(桂科攻0995004) |
摘要点击次数: 2767 |
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中文摘要: |
活性粉末混凝土是一种新型超高性能混凝土材料,为了详细评估非预应力筋配筋率、预应力筋配筋率、混凝土强度、非预应力筋屈服强度等对预应力混凝土梁的受弯性能的影响,建立了上述各种参数影响下的无粘结预应力砒,C简支梁的有限元模型。通过对比分析研究得出随着非预应力筋配筋率和无粘结预应力钢绞线配筋率的提高,跨中极限弯矩增大,跨中极限挠度和钢绞线应力增量降低;随着非预应力筋的屈服强度、混凝土轴心抗压强度的提高,跨中极限弯矩和挠度也缓慢增大,力筋应力增量相应增加。为实际工程预应力RPC结构的优化设计提供参考数据。 |
英文摘要: |
Reactive powder concrete is a new ultra-high-performance concrete materials with?superior characteristics of the ultra-high-strength, high toughness, high?durability. In order to detailed assessment of the prestressed reinforcement ratio, prestressed reinforcement ratio, concrete strength, the yield strength of prestressed steel factors on prestressed concrete beam bending performance influence, we proposed the unbonded prestressed RPC beam t'mite element model under the influence of the various factors. Through the comparative analysis research concluded. Firstly, with the prestressed reinforcement ratio and unbonded prestressed steel strand reinforcement ratio increase, the middle of span ultimate bending moment is increased slowly. The middle of span limit deflection and steel strand stress is also increased decreased. Secondly, with non-prestressed steel yield strength, concrete axial compressive strength increase, the middle of span ultimate bending moment and deflection is also slowly increases and the stress increment is increased slowly. For nractical engineering, nrestressed RPC structure ontimization desikrn rrrovides reference data. |
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