张德乾.视觉监控警戒的脑电波普功率变异初步研究[J].井冈山大学自然版,2012,(1):91-95 |
视觉监控警戒的脑电波普功率变异初步研究 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 视觉警戒 EEG 脑电波普功率分析 α波 β波 |
英文关键词: visual vigilance EEG frequency fluctuation analysis et wave 13 wave |
基金项目:江西省高校人文社科项目(2012XL1209) |
摘要点击次数: 10781 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
目的旨在探索视觉监控警戒过程的大脑活动主要区域和大脑信息加工过程中的疲劳现象与脑电波普变异的关系。方法采用计算机模拟监控警戒作业80min实验。结果 (1)执行监控过程的脑电活动以高频段的β波活动为主,出现13Hz以下的低频段波活动减弱或抑制;(2)执行监控之后使得优势频率(重心频率)向低频段移动,表明疲劳程度增加;(3)P4区域是监控过程中活动最强的区域,实验后的疲劳程度最大,O2、O1、P3和FP1区域也出现疲劳现象,在监控作业进行80min之后的睁眼时,在O1、O2、P3、P4出现5~7Hz的θ波活动占优势。O2、O1和P3、P4是视觉监控作业信息加工的主要区域,FP1与眼睛活动有关。结论视觉监控警戒过程的脑信息加工区域和脑电波普变异有关联,脑电监测方法有助于研究警戒作业的脑力活动的工作负荷。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective: To observe the changes of 6 bands frequency-fluctuation characteristics of EEG under vigilance task. Methods: The experiments were carried out for 80 minutes by computer simulated monitoring task. Results: (1) high band 13 wave exercise was the main EEG exrcise during vigilance task, low band wave exercise under 13 Hz was waken or inhibited. (2) The dominant band frequency-fluctuation decreased significantly after vigilance task, which showed the brain fatigue increased. (3) P4 area was the area with the most intensive during vigilance task and the highest degree of fatigue after the task, Ol, 02, P3, and FP1 area also showed tired. Dominant 0 band (5-7HZ) at O1, O2, P3 and P4 areas occurred when eye-opened after the 80 minutes task. O1, 02, P3, P4 were the main areas of information processing in visual vigilance, and FPI were related with the activity of eyes. Conclusion: The brain information processing in visual vigilance correlated with the changes of band frequency fluctuation characteristics. This method may be helpful in the study of visual vigilance workloads. |
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