黄招霞,陈景娥.组织生态学视域下地方高校特色学科生长机制研究[J].井冈山大学社科版,2024,45(6):105-112 |
组织生态学视域下地方高校特色学科生长机制研究 |
Growth Mechanism of Distinctive Disciplines in Local Universities from Perspective of Organizational Ecology |
投稿时间:2024-08-27 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8107.2024.06.013 |
中文关键词: 特色学科 组织生态学 生长机制 地方高校 |
英文关键词: distinctive disciplines organizational ecology growth mechanism local universities |
基金项目:江西省高校人文社会科学研究青年项目“学科组织健康视域下江西省地方高校特色学科生长机理研究”(项目编号:JY22248) |
摘要点击次数: 44 |
全文下载次数: 59 |
中文摘要: |
作为高等教育“主力军”之一,地方高校特色学科的生长过程存在“区域特色”“生长风貌”以及“成长动因”三种生长现状,探讨其生长机制是优化资源配置、实现教育与区域经济社会协同发展的重要基础。基于组织生态学视域,明确地方高校的生态位至关重要。同时特色学科历经资源整合,初创疾行、固本强基,发展拓疆、稳健前行,成熟蜕变三个阶段的成长。为不断提升自身的综合实力和竞争力,地方高校须做到筑基固本,治理革新、跨界携手,资源共融以及铸牌扬名,兴市强基,为区域经济社会发展做出更大的贡献,推动国家教育事业的欣欣向荣。 |
英文摘要: |
As one of mainstays of higher education, distinctive discipline of local universities exhibit three growth statuses, i.e. regional feature, growth landscapes, and development motivation. Therefore, it is important to explore the growth mechanisms for optimising the allocation of resources and achieving synergy between education and regional economic and social development. From the perspective of organizational ecology, it is vital that local universities should clarify their ecological niches. Meanwhile, the distinctive discipline has witnessed three stages, i.e. resource integration and rapid development at initial stage, consolidation and expansion at development stage, and sustained development and transformation at mature stage. In order to enhance their comprehensive strength and competitiveness, local universities should strengthen internal governance and management, expand external cooperation and resource sharing, and improve discipline branding and marketing. Consequently, local universities could make greater contributions to regional economic and social development, fostering the prosperity of the national education sector. |
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