盛奇敢,韩再超.梦幻、救赎与隽永:三重身份视域下的叶圣陶童话[J].井冈山大学社科版,2024,45(6):73-80 |
梦幻、救赎与隽永:三重身份视域下的叶圣陶童话 |
Fantasy, Redemption, Eternity: Triple Identity Perspectives in Ye Shengtao's Fairy Tales |
投稿时间:2024-05-06 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8107.2024.06.009 |
中文关键词: 叶圣陶童话 身份视域 《稻草人》 《古代英雄的石像》 |
英文关键词: Ye Shengtao's fairy tales identity perspective The Straw Man The Stone Statue of Ancient Heroes |
基金项目:国家社科基金重大课题“中国现代语文教育理论资料的搜集、整理与研究”(项目编号:22&ZD309) |
摘要点击次数: 56 |
全文下载次数: 64 |
中文摘要: |
叶圣陶兼具教育家、社会活动家和文学家三重身份,是中国现代儿童文学的开拓者和奠基人,著有童话集《稻草人》和《古代英雄的石像》。借助特定时代背景与主导身份意识的视域,可梳理出叶圣陶童话创作内容倾向与情感选择的演变脉络,兼及以“出路”难题贯通两本出版时间相差十年的童话集。五四启蒙中儿童的发现、教育家的身份是其创作童话的最初动力,使他致力于建造充盈“爱”和“美”的梦幻世界。现实世界的黑暗痛苦、社会活动家的忧虑又驱动他的笔触重返人间,童话中的成人悲哀和社会批判一步步加深加重,在《稻草人》单篇的两难困境中达至巅峰;直到中国社会在五卅运动后迎来曙光,叶圣陶童话的思想内涵和情感基调随之嬗变,童话集《古代英雄的石像》成为童话集《稻草人》迟到的续篇与命运的救赎。无论历史如何浮沉,文学家特有的审美一以贯之,历久弥新,叶圣陶童话浓郁的民族风格,尤其是隽永的语言运用和诗意的意境塑造,百年后仍吸引着一代又一代的读者。 |
英文摘要: |
Ye Shengtao, with his triple identity as an educator, social activist, and writer, was a pioneer and founder in modern Chinese children's literature famous for his fairy tale collections The Straw Man and The Stone Statue of Ancient Heroes. Through the specific historical background and his dominant identity awareness, we can trace the evolution of content inclination and emotional choices in Ye Shengtao's fairy tales, with the theme of pathway dilemma in the two collections. The child discovery during the May Fourth Enlightenment and his role as an educator served as the initial motivation for his fairy tale creation, inspiring him to build a fantastical world filled with love and beauty. However, the darkness and suffering of the real world coupled with the worries as a social activist, brought his writing back to reality. The adults' sorrow and social critique progressively intensified in his fairy tales, reaching a peak in the dilemma within the single story The Straw Man. With a glimmer of hope for a pathway after the May Thirtieth Movement in Chinese society, the thematic depth and emotional tone of Ye Shengtao's fairy tales evolved accordingly. The Stone Statue of Ancient Heroes became a related continuation of The Straw Man, offering redemption for the fate of its characters. Regardless of historical ups and downs, Ye Shengtao's unique aesthetic as a writer has remained consistent, and the rich national style, particularly the frequent use of evocative and poetic language, continues to attract readers of different generations after a century. |
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