时玉柱.新时代中国共产党人深化对党性认识的逻辑路径[J].井冈山大学社科版,2024,45(6):54-64 |
新时代中国共产党人深化对党性认识的逻辑路径 |
Logical Path for CPC Member’s Deep Understanding of Party Spirit in New Era |
投稿时间:2024-04-30 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8107.2024.06.007 |
中文关键词: 新时代 中国共产党人 党性 逻辑路径 |
英文关键词: new era CPC member party spirit logical path |
基金项目:国家社科基金项目“列宁党性观及其当代发展研究”(项目编号:22BKS014);全国红色基因传承研究中心项目“推进红色基因传承与‘勤廉江西’建设研究”(项目编号:22ZXHYG19);井冈山大学科研项目“新时代‘党性’话语体系的存在样态、基本功能与建构价值研究”(项目编号:23XZT021)。 |
摘要点击次数: 41 |
全文下载次数: 59 |
中文摘要: |
党性观是马克思主义政党核心叙事,既内在规定了政党组织的政治行为边界,也形塑与规约着政党成员的政治品格与思想言行。纵览无产阶级政党建设史,因应实践变革要求,共产党人的党性观呈现动态演化特征。新时代中国共产党人自觉把握思想上的主动,坚守理论发展的魂脉和根脉,树立大历史观、构建理论体系、提出新命题新判断、提炼新概念新范畴、批判错误思潮、坚持人民至上实现理论创新与实践创新的良性互动,打造了具有鲜明开放性、民族性、科学性、价值性、前瞻性、实践性的党性话语,拓展了对党性的时代理解,为丰富创新发展21世纪马克思主义党性理论作出了原创性贡献。科学阐释新时代中国共产党人深化对党性认识的逻辑路径,不仅是推进中共党史党建学的知识体系、话语体系建设的理论自觉,也是廓清模糊认识、破解大党独有难题的现实需要。 |
英文摘要: |
The concept of party spirit is the core narrative of Marxist political parties, which not only internally defines the political behavior boundaries of party organizations, but also shapes and regulates the political character, thoughts, and actions of party members. Throughout the history of the construction of proletarian political parties, in response to the requirements of practical changes, the outlook of Communist Party members on party spirit have shown dynamic evolution characteristics. In the new era, CPC members consciously grasp the ideological initiative, adhere to theoretical development, establish grand historical view, build theoretical system, propose new propositions and new judgments, refine new concepts and new categories, criticize wrong thoughts, adhere to the concept of People First, and realize the positive interaction between theoretical and practical innovation. In addition, CPC members now have created the discourse of party spirit with the feature of openness, nationality, scientificity, value, foresight and practicality, expanding the current understanding of party spirit, and making original contributions to enriching, innovating, and developing Marxist party spirit theory in the 21st century. A scientific interpretation of the logical path for CPC members’ deep understanding of the party spirit in the new era can not only promote the theoretical consciousness of the construction of the knowledge and discourse system of the discipline of Party history and Party building, but can clarify the misunderstanding and solve the unique and challenging problem of CPC. |
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