李波.从“藏于家”到“行于世”——明代吉安文人别集的收藏刊行及其呈现的文化传承特点[J].井冈山大学社科版,2024,45(5):95-106 |
从“藏于家”到“行于世”——明代吉安文人别集的收藏刊行及其呈现的文化传承特点 |
From"Hiding at Home"to "Public in the World" ——Collection and Publication of Ji'an Literati Anthology in Ming Dynasty and its Characteristics of Cultural Inheritance |
投稿时间:2024-05-09 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8107.2024.05.011 |
中文关键词: 庐陵文化 文人别集 收藏 刊行 传承 |
英文关键词: Luling culture literati anthology collection publication inheritance |
基金项目:江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地项目“明代吉安士人师承关系与地域文学传承研究”(项目编号:21088);江西省宣传思想文化领域高层次人才专题项目“庐陵文化视野下青原山文学研究及其开发”(项目编号:23ZXRC42) |
摘要点击次数: 140 |
全文下载次数: 254 |
中文摘要: |
作为文化的重要物质载体,明代庐陵文人别集文献“藏于家”到“行于世”的过程,最能反映当时人们传承文化的真实样态。而“以文存人”和“传示子孙”的观念和目的以及客观的经济条件则导致别集文献收藏于家的现象变得尤为普遍,这为别集的梓行特别是家族刻书的实施提供了重要保障。因此,撰者后人成为别集刊行的主要力量,而撰者弟子门生则是别集编校、梓行过程中最为活跃的因素。从明代庐陵文人别集的收藏和刊行过程可知,血脉与学脉的传承是明代庐陵文化传承的主体与主线,而官员的导向与乡贤的提倡则是有益补充。 |
英文摘要: |
As an important material carrier of culture, the process from "hiding at home"to "public in the world"of the collected documents of Luling literati in Ming Dynasty can best reflect the true way of people inheriting culture at that time. However, the concept and purpose of "To commemorate people with articles"and "To pass on articles to future generations" and the objective economic conditions lead to fact of documents collection at home, which provides an important guarantee for the implementation of family engraving and publication. Therefore, the author's descendants become the main force for the publication of documents collections, and the author's disciples are the most active factors in the process of publishing and editing documents collections. From the collection and publication process of Luling literati anthology in Ming Dynasty, it can be seen that the inheritance of blood and learning vein is the main sources of Luling culture inheritance in Ming Dynasty, while the guidance of officials and the advocacy of rural sages are beneficial supplements. |
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