Theoretical Basis and Cultivation Pathways for Empowering New Quality Productivity through Data Labor
中文关键词: 新质生产力  数据劳动  劳动分工  集体力
英文关键词: new quality productivity  data labor  division of labor  collective force
马俊峰 西北师范大学马克思主义学院, 甘肃 兰州 730070 
温兆伦 西北师范大学哲学与社会学院, 甘肃 兰州 730070 
摘要点击次数: 156
全文下载次数: 260
      Marx regarded labor as the essential force of humanity and a key factor in the process of "being a object" and " being a man". Therefore, to accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces requires breaking away from the traditional labor forms, overcoming the bottleneck of labor resources, adapting to the trend of labor object digitization, and curbing the laborers to lying flat. Therefore, new quality productive forces through data labor can be empowered by promoting labor division via digital technology, by ensuring collective strength via data elements and by cultivating a positive labor subject via new types of talents. In addition, in the practice of empowering new quality productive forces through data labor, on one hand, it is necessary to push the development of digital technology through emerging and future industries, to release the potential of data elements through data marketization for improving the educational system to cultivate high-quality new talents; on the other hand, measures must be taken to avoid potential risks, such as digital technology alienation, covert exploitation of data, and false affirmation of subjects caused by the intrusion of digital capital. Therefore, it can provide a feasible path for achieving increased productivity and comprehensive human freedom in the digital age.
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