Discussion on Thought of “Use of Characters” in Shuo Wen Jie Zi
中文关键词: 《说文解字》  汉字职用  字词关系  字用思想
英文关键词: Shuo Wen Jie Zi 说文解字  Chinese characters function  the relationship between Chinese characters and words  the thought of “Chinese characters pragmatic”
李运富 “古文字与中华文明传承发展工程”协同攻关创新平台(郑州大学), 河南 郑州 450000
国家语委科研基地汉字文明传承传播与教育研究中心(郑州大学), 河南 郑州 450000 
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全文下载次数: 239
      Shuo Wen Jie Zi 说文解字(for short, Shuowen 说文) is usually regarded as a book for “analyzing the structure of Chinese characters” ,whose method of explaining Chinese characters and concrete analysis have been affirmed by academic history. This thesis believes that Shuowen was endowed with important pragmatic value, whose thought of “Chinese characters pragmatic” can be investigated from two aspects, i.e. Shuowen Xu 说文·叙 and interpretation of characters in the text of and Shuowen. In Shuowen Xu, Xu Shen reveals the essence of using characters in “Jiajie 假借” with “relying on pronunciation to explain things” and the use of “ancient writing古文” as ancient characters, which represented a concept of form on the surface, but actually refers to the structure of ancient characters and the characters usage in ancient documents. Xu Shen's definition of Chinese characters and the expression of the Chinese characters functions reflected the essence of Chinese characters usages. His criticism of misinterpretation of Chinese characters and explanation of the compiling purpose and principles of Shuowen are also reflected from the perspective of the use of characters. The explanation of each character in Shuowen focuses on the meaning, whose structure analysis is only the confirmation of the meaning; the “variant characters 重文” in Shuowen, e.g. “ancient writing 古文作某” and “some ancient writing 某古文”, is also in terms of the function of characters; “Yi Yue 一曰” reflected the phenomenon of different uses of the same character. Shuowen often cited books to prove the meaning of characters. All these showed that Shuo Wen Jie Zi attaches great importance to the use function of Chinese characters from the purpose of serving the interpretation of Confucian classics, and revealed various relations of Chinese characters in many aspects.
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