Retrospection, Main Characteristics and Practical Enlightenment of School Labor Education in Early Days of Founding of New China
中文关键词: 新中国成立初期  学校劳动教育  历程回溯  主要特征  现实启示
英文关键词: early days of the founding of New China  school labor education  retrospection  main characteristics  practical application
李欢 四川大学马克思主义学院, 四川 成都 610065 
摘要点击次数: 10
全文下载次数: 20
      The Communist Party of China has always attached importance on the role of labor, and cultivated labor affection and spirit through school labor education to train well-developed workers. In the early days of the founding of New China, School labor education has seen the phase of starting, expanding, strengthening and adjusting. In the 17 years of educational practice, labor education has shown its main features of integration of the education subject, diversification of education contents and variety of education methods. Under the new historical context, school labor education should insist on the dialectical unity of integrity and innovation on the basis of historical experience. Directed by the participation of multiple subjects, we should build a new pattern of cooperative labor education. Guided by all-round development, we should insist on the unity of values and skills education. Taking reality context as acting points, we should give overall consideration of labor education theory and practice. Through sustainable development of school labor education, we can promote the free and all-round development of human beings. Labor education can better serve the needs of socialist modernization construction, and the needs of national strategic development, and provide spiritual motivation and talent support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
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