On the Ideas of Social Reform of the Youth China Society in the Period of May 4th
中文关键词: 五四时期  少年中国学会  社会改造  救国理念
英文关键词: Period of May 4th  Youth China Society  Social reform  Concept of saving the nation
李天星 东华大学马克思主义学院, 上海 201620 
摘要点击次数: 289
全文下载次数: 367
      Under the influence of the New Culture Movement, the young intellectuals in the May 4th Movement, who were eager to explore the road of national rejuvenation, put forward many ideas of saving the country based on different political understandings and various western political theories. As an influential youth association during the May 4th Movement, the members of the Youth China Society are a new generation of young intellectuals who accept new knowledge and have strong patriotism. They were dissatisfied with the dark side of politics in China at that time and influenced by the idea of " not talking about politics" advocated by the new cultural leaders Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao, anarchism( mutualism), new village doctrine and other western political theories. They tried to promote social transformation and create a " Youth China" by popularizing education for masses, advocating part time job for study, promoting women's liberation, and conducting social surveys. It has been found that this simple way of social transformation cannot solve the problems of modern China, and that revolution is the inevitable choice of history.
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