肖海鹰.抵制西方错误思潮 筑牢理想信念之基[J].井冈山大学社科版,2021,(4):39-46
抵制西方错误思潮 筑牢理想信念之基
Resisting Western Erroneous Thoughts and Strengthening the Foundation of Ideals and Beliefs
中文关键词: 抵制  西方错误思潮  筑牢  理想信念之基
英文关键词: Resistance  Western erroneous trend of thought  Build  Foundation of ideal and belief
肖海鹰 井冈山大学马克思主义学院, 江西 吉安 343009 
摘要点击次数: 1479
全文下载次数: 2221
      Ideal and belief are the political soul of communists and the spiritual pillar to overcome various difficulties. In order to strengthen education in ideal and belief, we must deal with the challenge of various western erroneous thoughts, recognize their essence, and then take positive actions. At present, we must refute various anti-Marxism trends, especially that "Marxism is out of date" or " the failure of Marxism". At the same time, we should also take active actions to prevent various wrong western thoughts from spreading among Chinese, mainly to prevent western "liberalism" from infiltrating into China in the name of universal values, "historical nihilism" from confusing people's minds in the name of restoring history, and extreme "individualism" from spreading among Chinese in the name of individual freedom.
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