Dynamic Impact on Urban-Rural Income Gap from Demographic Dividend in China
中文关键词: 人口红利  城乡收入  状态空间模型
英文关键词: demographic dividend  urban-rural income  state space model  co-integration analysis
乔美华 聊城大学商学院, 山东 聊城 252000 
摘要点击次数: 1607
全文下载次数: 1939
      In this paper, we sample the time series data of demographic dividend and urban-rural income gap from 1996 to 2016 in China. Based on the time varying parameter state space model, and using the KALMAN filtering algorithm, the dynamic impact of the urban-rural income gap with time and from the population structure, the matching degree of population assets and the population quality are explored. During the sampling period the study shows that there is a long-term co-integration relationship among the population structure, the matching degree of population assets, the population quality and the urban-rural income gap. Results reflect that the elastic coefficient of the matching degree of population assets and the population structure on urban-rural income gap is smaller. The matching degree of population assets is not the main factor affecting the urban-rural income gap. The elastic coefficient exhibits two trends, one increasing the urban-rural income gap while another narrowing the gap. The population structure is negatively correlated with urban-rural income gap, i.e., the urban-rural income gap increases with the decrease of the overall population dependency ratio. The population quality exerts a great influence on urban-rural income gap, and its elastic coefficient is positive, which shows that the improvement of population quality has further increased the urban-rural income gap.
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