On Principal Offender in Joint Negligent Crime
中文关键词: 共同过失正犯  共同犯罪  注意义务  罪过共同性  因果性
英文关键词: principal offender in joint negligent crime  joint crime  duty of care  guilt commonality  causality
马荣春 扬州大学法学院, 江苏 扬州 225009 
徐晓霞 南京市溧水区人民检察院反贪局, 江苏 南京 211200 
摘要点击次数: 1844
全文下载次数: 2070
      The criminal legislature and judicial developments in civil law countries have given rise in theories affirming or denying principal offender in joint negligent crime. Experiences and theoretical speculations in this field are beneficial for revealing the deficiencies in Chinese legislature practices and theoretical studies and also helpful for promoting the criminal law theories and practices of the country. Like in joint intentional crime, the principal offender in joint negligent crime should be judged by the "causalities" in mental and physical, i.e., subjective and objective, respects. Such "causalities" are the fundamental by which principal offender in joint negligent crime is established and by which the the "commonality" and functions of the crime is maintained. The crime may be established only on basis of equal legal status of the feasors, the common responsibilities that the feasors should avoid the effect of injury, and their ability to dominate subjectively and objectively. As a "specific" of joint negligent crime, the principal offender should be more appropriately named as "principal offender of negligent joint crime".
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