Xi Zhongxun' Practices and Explorations of Ethnic& Religion Questions during His leadership in Northwestern China
中文关键词: 习仲勋  西北局  民族宗教  经验启示
英文关键词: Xi Zhongxun  CPC Northwestern China Bureau  ethnic and religion  experiences and inspirations
蒋国栋 中共中央党校研究生院, 北京 100091 
祝彦 中共中央党校党史教研部, 北京 100091 
摘要点击次数: 10233
全文下载次数: 18938
      Ethnic and Religion works are regarded by the CPC as works influential on the general strategy of the Party. In the Report of the 19th National Congress of the CPC, it is clearly stated that the Party's policies on ethnic questions and its guidelines on religious works should be implemented in all-round ways, so that the 56 nationalities will be united as pomegranates and that religions will accommodate the socialist society. The statement highlights the questions on promoting ethnic and religion works in the new era and requires to draw from the thoughts and experiences left in the history of the CPC, particularly by Xi Zhongxun, an outstanding leader in ethnic and religion works. During his service as Party leader in Northwestern China, he combined the Party's ethnic and religion policies and the actualities of local area, on basis of which he made a series of effective explorations and practices. His efforts brought great achievements in the social stability and economic development of the region. They are precious experiences and inspirations on promoting ethnic and religion works in present and near future.
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