A Lament on the Decline of Huaxia Ritual and Music System:An Exploration about the theme of Yan Zhitui's Guan Wo Sheng Fu
中文关键词: 礼乐衰微  颜之推  《观我生赋》  题旨
英文关键词: Ritual and Music decline  Yan Zhitui  Guan Wo Sheng Fu  theme
王学军 南阳师范学院文史学院, 河南 南阳 473061 
摘要点击次数: 10191
全文下载次数: 19157
      By family influence, Yan Zhitui had learned Confucian classics since his childhood and for all his life he adhered to the ritual culture of Confucianism. In Liang Dynasty, he promoted the education of Confucianism. He managed to migrate to the South in spite of the ban issued by Emperor in the Western Wei. In Northern Qi state he established the Wenlin Venue for spreading Han cultures. In Sui Dynasty he advocated the restoration of court music, orthodox sound and set a family motto. His rhythmical prose Guan Wo Sheng Fu ( A Review on His Life) was titled after the diagram "Guan" (Review) in The Book of Changes. "Guan Wo Sheng" (Review on His Life) not only suggests a review of himself as an individual, but of him as one in the Confucian believers, by which he means to watch ordinary people under the teaching of Confucianism. In the work Yan Zhitui took his life experience as a reflection of the decline of Han ritual culture. Thus at end of the Book he cited Confucius' "weeping for unicorn", suggesting the lament for cultural decline of his time which was much like that in late Spring and Autumn period. Such an agony, as resonance of the sorrow depicted at the beginning of his work, is a reflections of grief for the decline of Huaxia ritual culture.
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