On Historical Materialism and the Modern Transformation of Chinese Academics
中文关键词: 唯物史观  中国学术  现代转型  研究理论和方法  研究对象和主体  研究重心和功能
英文关键词: historical materialism  Chinese academics  modern transformation  research theories and methodologies  subject and objects  focus and functions
薛其林 长沙大学长沙文化研究所, 湖南 长沙 410022 
摘要点击次数: 10334
全文下载次数: 19287
      Modern Chinese academics were formed in early 20th century upon the collision and integration of Chinese and Western, ancient and modern thoughts. A key factor that facilitated the modern transformation is the dissemination and spreading of Marxist historical materialism. After academic debates with various social thoughts of the time, historical materialism of huge influences and vitality achieved academic dominance in China, and served as a powerful theoretical instruments for developing the academic culture with "Chinese characteristics", "Chinese style" and "Chinese magnificence". Under the influence of historical materialism, Chinese academics underwent modern transformation in theories and methodologies, study subjects and objects, and in the focuses and functions of studies. It thus witnessed the establishing of a relatively complete modern academic system which has trained a number of great thinkers and created new academic horizons, new academic paradigms and new academic prospects. Hence the transformation facilitated by historical materialism is one of the most outstanding and remarkable achievements of Chinese academics in the first half of 20th century.
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