The Extra-textual Spreading of Ouyang Xiu's Zui Weng Ting Ji
中文关键词: 《醉翁亭记》  跨文本传播  石刻  音乐  书画
英文关键词: Zui Weng Ting Ji  extra-textual spreading  stone carving  music  calligraphy and Chinese painting
李杰荣 广东第二师范学院中文系, 广东 广州 510303 
摘要点击次数: 2052
全文下载次数: 3504
      欧阳修《醉翁亭记》成文后, 天下传诵, 家至户到。纵观历代《醉翁亭记》的流传散布, 在刻印传抄等纸本传播外, 还通过石刻、音乐和书画等跨文本的方式传播。在石刻方面, 北宋曾三次刻石立碑, 明清又据苏轼草书《醉翁亭记》摹勒入石;在音乐方面, 先是沈遵慕名而作琴曲, 欧阳修、苏轼和郭正祥为之补词, 后又再由黄庭坚等人櫽括入词、散曲、岔曲;在书画方面, 历代书家为文气所驱而书《醉翁亭记》, 画家亦据文作画, 呈现《醉翁亭记》的情境。《醉翁亭记》的跨文本传播, 一方面打破了文学与艺术的界限, 另一方面也促进了《醉翁亭记》的经典化。
      After its publishing, Ouyang Xiu's Zui Weng Ting Ji (Essay of A Drunk Men's Pavilion) experienced nationwide population. The spreading of the essay in ancient China went through extra-textual approaches of stone carving, music, paintings, in addition to conventional handwriting copies and wood-carved prints. In terms of stone carvings, three stone tablets were erected in Northern Song Dynasty, and some cliff stone carvings were made in Ming and Qing Dynasties according to Su Shi's handwriting. As for music, a lute melody was made by Shen Zun with lyrics prepared by Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi and Guo Zhengxiang, followed by Huang Tingjian's translation of the work into genres of ci, Sanqu and Chqu. Besides, many calligraphic and Chinese painting works were created according to the ambiance and images suggested in the essay. The extra-textual spreading of Zui Weng Ting Ji broke the boundaries between literature and arts and promoted the canonization of the artistic work.
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