马玉红.明天与今天 忧伤与平安——海子与北村诗歌对“幸福”描画的比较[J].井冈山大学社科版,2012,(2):110-114
明天与今天 忧伤与平安——海子与北村诗歌对“幸福”描画的比较
Today versus Tomorrow,or Melancholy versus Peace——A comparison of the profiles of "Happiness" in Haizi’s and Beicun’s Poems
中文关键词: 海子  北村  幸福  忧郁  平安
英文关键词: Haizi  Beicun  happiness  melancholy  peace
马玉红 井冈山大学人文学院 
摘要点击次数: 1979
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      Haizi’s Facing the Sea with Spring Blossom is a melancholy poem for yearned while unobtainable earthly life happiness,while Beicun’s Living is a peaceful poem for yearned and acquirable happiness.In comparison of the happiness depicted in the poems,many differences may be found: in the former,happiness starts from tomorrow and imagination,in the latter it starts from today and cultivation;in one happiness is expressed with cowardice and contradiction,in the other with courage and harmony;for one the nature of happiness to be loved and to live,for the other it is to love and to die;thus for Haizi the end of happiness is breaking melancholy,for Beicun it is solid peace.Haizi’s approach to happiness is philosophical,while Beicun’s is religious.It is the different approaches that create the melancholy and visionary elegy to happiness,and also the concrete and peaceful song to happiness.
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